After 2020, I had a hard time continuing to trust Trump. I suppose that's a good thing though. He's not perfect, but his victory is still a victory regardless. A battle won, in a much larger war.
I think it's up to all of us to stay frosty, but not be ice cold.
While I didn't have a direct stake in the election as a European I obviously still followed it with great interest (even if we weren't so dependent on the US, the politics of the US are a concern to all). First, congratulations on winning such a window for yourself! I hope you make the best of it. Considering the cultural ascendancy of the right (that you've correctly pointed out here) this victory might just last you quite a bit of time under the condition that you play your cards right.
For us, this election results in a fight on two major fronts: the economy and the future cultural/political direction. In regards to the former I fear that its expansion will not equal the more protectionist elements (at least not fast enough). Regarding point two, I think we'll see an increased pull towards even further European integration (being justified by needing to counteract American foreign policy). This obviously stands in contrast to the cultural movement you cite (which has taken root in Europe as well) and any particularist interests. I hope this pressure will create a diamond in the end but the situation is still a bit unclear.
Nonetheless, my main takeaway is that this victory has shown, that we can overcome entrenched power (to some degree) if only we pick our fights and allies well. That overarching message might be the most important product of this electoral cycle.
Nah, justice is still ar out on the HORIZON! At least we can finally see bits and shadows of it! We must keep marching and neutralizing our enemies BETWEEN us and justice! And that includes the ENEMIES within our own lines! Weak and subverted FELLOW 'right-side marchers' (and pretend allies: Jesus Christ, people: Never-Trumper Thune?!?!) must be tied up and left beside the trail as we march on! Let their 'dear friends on the left’ follow behind us and pick them up. WE do not have time for them! Judges who refuse to uphold the law; "right-side" pols who refuse to block and undo leftie/commies laws and decisions MUST be removed!
We have no more TIME for weak and lily-livered "allegedly on our side" surrender monkeys! (And I insult monkeys!)
Harden up and stop "hoping" we can find a balance. If one side in a war does NOT intend, and take steps to, completely control and "modify" the other side -- then they LOSE! See, e.g., the "Civil War" South: we just wanted to LEFT alone -- and the North wanted to crush and control us. Young Southerners were and ARE propagandized and 'blunted' and ruined BY the "victorious” (equivalent to our enemies the liberal/commies!) North. "I just want to be left alone" CANNOT be a motive for OUR side, if we wish to SAVE our nation!!
The salient point, which you aptly demonstrate with the tweets, is that the average Democrat voter won't cease being "woke". It remains to be seen whether the elites within the hierarchy of the party will "put the woke away" but, for my money, I don't think they are capable because they are true believers.
Because the Democrats seem to be ideological rather than mercenary, the ball is firmly in the GOP's court.
In my view now that victory was achieved, it is time to start weeding out the untrustworthy and unworthy among the 'techbros' too many of them are onboard with Neuralink/Great Reset. This was an alliance, now we've gotten what we want from them, and they won't wait to stab us in the back so we gotta do it first and be even more ruthless about it.
After 2020, I had a hard time continuing to trust Trump. I suppose that's a good thing though. He's not perfect, but his victory is still a victory regardless. A battle won, in a much larger war.
I think it's up to all of us to stay frosty, but not be ice cold.
"Can someone please explain to me what exactly it is that young men want to hear from the VP Harris that she's not already saying?"
A coherent sentence would be a good start.
Also, is there any way we could build a bugman prison and put Yglesias in there?
While I didn't have a direct stake in the election as a European I obviously still followed it with great interest (even if we weren't so dependent on the US, the politics of the US are a concern to all). First, congratulations on winning such a window for yourself! I hope you make the best of it. Considering the cultural ascendancy of the right (that you've correctly pointed out here) this victory might just last you quite a bit of time under the condition that you play your cards right.
For us, this election results in a fight on two major fronts: the economy and the future cultural/political direction. In regards to the former I fear that its expansion will not equal the more protectionist elements (at least not fast enough). Regarding point two, I think we'll see an increased pull towards even further European integration (being justified by needing to counteract American foreign policy). This obviously stands in contrast to the cultural movement you cite (which has taken root in Europe as well) and any particularist interests. I hope this pressure will create a diamond in the end but the situation is still a bit unclear.
Nonetheless, my main takeaway is that this victory has shown, that we can overcome entrenched power (to some degree) if only we pick our fights and allies well. That overarching message might be the most important product of this electoral cycle.
Justice at Last! A new age began!
Nah, justice is still ar out on the HORIZON! At least we can finally see bits and shadows of it! We must keep marching and neutralizing our enemies BETWEEN us and justice! And that includes the ENEMIES within our own lines! Weak and subverted FELLOW 'right-side marchers' (and pretend allies: Jesus Christ, people: Never-Trumper Thune?!?!) must be tied up and left beside the trail as we march on! Let their 'dear friends on the left’ follow behind us and pick them up. WE do not have time for them! Judges who refuse to uphold the law; "right-side" pols who refuse to block and undo leftie/commies laws and decisions MUST be removed!
We have no more TIME for weak and lily-livered "allegedly on our side" surrender monkeys! (And I insult monkeys!)
Harden up and stop "hoping" we can find a balance. If one side in a war does NOT intend, and take steps to, completely control and "modify" the other side -- then they LOSE! See, e.g., the "Civil War" South: we just wanted to LEFT alone -- and the North wanted to crush and control us. Young Southerners were and ARE propagandized and 'blunted' and ruined BY the "victorious” (equivalent to our enemies the liberal/commies!) North. "I just want to be left alone" CANNOT be a motive for OUR side, if we wish to SAVE our nation!!
The salient point, which you aptly demonstrate with the tweets, is that the average Democrat voter won't cease being "woke". It remains to be seen whether the elites within the hierarchy of the party will "put the woke away" but, for my money, I don't think they are capable because they are true believers.
Because the Democrats seem to be ideological rather than mercenary, the ball is firmly in the GOP's court.
For America's sake, let's hope they don't fumble.
Justice? Not yet. But it’s a start.
In my view now that victory was achieved, it is time to start weeding out the untrustworthy and unworthy among the 'techbros' too many of them are onboard with Neuralink/Great Reset. This was an alliance, now we've gotten what we want from them, and they won't wait to stab us in the back so we gotta do it first and be even more ruthless about it.
"For it's whitey this and whitey that, and whitey time to be outside/ but this way Mr. Ofay when the bullets start to sing!"- apologies to Kipling
Lol, Hopium Delusion, pure and simple.