Reminds me a lot of the film COHERENCE for the first half, CRISIS ON TWO EARTHS at the end, and some proper horror in between. The last few paragraphs are a bit weak, trying to ramp up from calm, collected insanity to Lovecraftian ranting much too quickly, but good story overall.

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Yeah, I got too excited when working last night. Happens when I'm nearing the end of a project or chapter, and I just want to put it out. I'm probably going to revise it.

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Excellent story, this is the first fiction I've read of yours and it exceeds my expectations.

Just spit balling, but I think you have an opportunity for a more satisfying conclusion when protagonist David collapses the multiverse, because now he has no where to run.

He closes the multiverse, finds he's in what appears to be his original universe. Re-unites with his family. Finds temporary meaning, but realizes the fragmentation of his experience has made it impossible to reconnect with his old life.

He's looking in the bathroom mirror, and to his horror he sees the monster again. Turns around, expecting nothing to be there, but in its place he sees his wife.

Something along those lines.

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Nothing wrong with writing with the door closed and editing with the door open.

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Calling it now; the monster is David himself. Or at least came to inhabit him after he crossed universes, thoughts on that theory? In this way without knowing it, he is its herald.

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Especially like the plot point involving the protag's wife. I've watched 'The Shift' and that movie's resolution left a bad taste in my mouth (I'll say no more because spoilers).

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I so love multiverse stories. Thanks for making me stay up till 1am to finish because I couldn't put it down!

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Loved it!

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